Despite all the storm warnings, this winter has been pretty disappointing for good snow to play in. This time though, we had lots of fun! Yesterday we went out and ran around catching snowflakes on our tongues and making snow angels. Tim made little snow angels! Today, Chris took him sledding on a big hill near our home, so we had to get him good and bundled up. Here he is, ready for action!


Aren’t they darling?


I couldn’t go with them since I’m on call and have been on the phone quite a bit, but I caught these pictures before they left.


We love snow!


There are a few more pictures in the Flickr photo set here.

This past week was so busy, and I had to put in extra hours at work, so my knitting was pretty much on hold.  I even had to miss SnB!  Boo on that..  I’ll try to finish the BSJ and post pictures soon!


Here’s my darling Timmy, on the first snow of winter 2005, Thanksgiving day.